- 040/060/PPC version It doesn't have much sense (especially PPC version). I an recompile sources in C but most CPU-demanding parts are in assembler and they should be recoded for maximum performance under 040/060. I can't do that just because I don't know m68k ASM. If somebody optimizes them for 040/060 I can insert them and produce 040/060 version then. PPC version doesn't have any sense until PPC-native cards appear. If I get PPC-only card with m68k emulation I'll try to make PPC version and check its performance. - General speedup I can't do much in that area because sources are quite messy and uncommented so any optimizations are hard to do. I can only rely on optimizations done by compiler. - XPK, datatype, locale support I'm thinking about it but it won't be implemented soon (if ever). - OS3.5 icon support Will be done when I receive my Amiga Developer CD 2.1 with proper includes and docs. - Faster dir scanning Impossible without very deep changes in source tree. Probably never happens (I think I know why they decided to write DOpus 5 from scratch). - Faster copying/deleting Copying is already speeded-up. Currently is almost as fast as in Opus5. Maybe there's still something to improve but don't expect miracles. Deleting isn't noticeably slower than in other programs or WB. Best method of making deleting faster is replacing FFS with another filesystem like PFS or SFS. - 256 colors support (currently 16) In the works. - Gadtools/MUI support for GUI Forget about MUI. It's too hard to do. But I'll try to make Gadtools GUI wherever possible starting from DOpus modules. - Hiding status bar at the bottom of the window Can't say now as I haven't check the sources. It depends on required changes. - User selected icon Will be done soon. - Font sensitive configuration window Will be achieved through Gadtools GUI - Direct LHA/LZX support Not very likely as there are ARexx scripts which do that. - More screenmodes for DOpus screen Done. - Correct displaying available diskspace on partitions bigger than 2GB Will be done soon. - Fixing number of items in progress indicator to real value It will be done. But I'll add special switch to activating it as browsing directories can take some time (especially on slow disks/FFS partitions). - Pattern for user-defined gadgets' background I can add that after fixing more important things. - Increasing menuitem limit Is it really required? Actually there can be upto 100 menuitems defined. - Correct work on hi/truecolor custom screens I'll try to do that although I strongly recommend using DOpus on WB screen (all depths are supported). - Internal decoding of GIF, PNG, JPG etc. Won't be done. 3rd party viewers are very good at it. Besides I plan datatypes support so internal decoders are useless. - Correct printing on different paper sizes Tough one. I don't have a printer nor access to US-sized sheets (ie. Legal). I can try to fix it 'blindly' but it would require strong betatesters support. - Integration with Scalos desktop Well, I don't know Scalos nor use it so I don't know what integration could be done. But looking at the sources I doubt if any integration can be done easily (if ever). - Fixing filereader to support more than 65536 lines of text Will be done soon. - Making it DOpus5-like I won't to that. It's practically impossible and I like typical 2-window filemanagers. If you need DOpus5 functionality just go and but it! - WheelMouse support I'm thinking about it :) - Text-reader as a window on WB Will be done for sure! - Warning requester when renaming directory to already existing name Will be fixed soon - 'Bring to front' gadget for next-DOpus requester I'll add it - Rolling backward devicelist when clicked with SHIFT pressed I've checked the sources and it's not easy to do. Anyway I'll try to add this feature. - Option to turn quit-requster off Will be done - Popup menu to select sorting type Done. - Selecting the size of copy buffer in Prefs Currently that buffer is filesize-dependent and it should stay so. Rule which control it should be finetuned a bit anyway. - 'Rename' option to "Overwrite' requester I'll add that. - More user commands for filetypes I think it's possible :) - Additional commands Existing set is quite powerful but I don't see any reason why not to expand it :) - Using function multiple times in single command (ie. {o}) This is a must! - Horizontal scroller for text-reader to avoid line wrapping. Will be implemented together with WB-window option for text-reader. - Reducing program size Compiler does its best. However I'll be removing pre-3.0 code gradually. - Iconify gadget in window dragbar (VisualPrefs compatible) I like that idea :) - Progressbar for deleting files Why not? :) - 'Add icon' checkmark for MakeDir requester I'll do that